Swim Success -- Sensible, caring swimming lessons ... naturally.

Plans for the next weeks (and perhaps months) of 2021 swimming lessons remain unsettled.

I continue to observe local conditions in Harris County, TX. I also am watching other types of progress in different areas of the state and the country. As I continue to gather new information, I so far have had to keep my business on pause to honor the best information available for myself and my clients.

Therefore, there is no reason for you to send any inquiries. If you do anyway, it is possible I will not reply.

When I know more, I will post it at the top of this page.

If this page hasn't changed, my plans haven't changed. Please check again.

Prayers for you, your family and friends, and all our earth.

See also:

turtle swimming

turtle image by Efflam Mercier, public domain (CC0 license), via Flickr.